South of Italy

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In September I had the opportunity to visit some cities in the South of Italy with an Erasmus + project. During the #Foodologyoung project that took place at the University of Calabria I participated in several activities that were really interesting.

I was truly interested in this project because it was a great opportunity for me from both academic and human perspective. It was a chance to meet new people, adapt in a new place, discover different cultures and different styles of working on projects.

Here are some pictures. Every day I chose to wear  a travel outfit, so no heels because I was trying to stay comfy. But, still chic , why not? Life’s too short to wear boring clothes.

Taking part in this project and being part of a supportive team was the best feeling ever. Thank you, GEYC, for this life-changing experience.

GEYC is the Romanian youth organization that made everything possible. I kinda like their mission:

Our mission is to empower young people to change their community. We are young people working with young people through both peer-to-peer education and mass communication supported by youth leaders.



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